CNY exchange rate and the new basket of currencies to participate in the currency movements


CNY exchange rate against the U.S. dollar 6 year low hit yesterday, close to 6.74. in the offshore market, offshore market, the CNY against the U.S. dollar spot exchange rate fell below the 6.74,6.75. B index yesterday afternoon in 13:30 also showed a sharp dive. In view of B mainly in HongKong dollars, dollars, some market participants said this analysis, after the end of the National Day holiday, CNY exchange rate against the U.S. dollar continue to brush out 6 years of record low, thus making the overall valuation pressure. B industry experts said that in August last year the CNY exchange rate formation mechanism after the reform, the CNY against the U.S. dollar began to peg to a basket of currencies, so the short-term trend the trend of change, the CNY against the U.S. dollar, largely follow the other major currencies in the basket of the dollar and the exchange rate linkage. The new low yesterday, people Currency against the U.S. dollar at 6.7379, compared with the previous trading day down 222 basis points. Since the end of the National Day holiday days, except in October 14th has rebounded, the CNY against the U.S. dollar in the trading day, continue to brush out 6 years of record low. "This reflects the CNY against the U. s.dollar exchange rate marketization mechanism is improving." market analysts believe that in such a high degree of market pricing mechanism, the RMB exchange rate against the dollar will continue to increase. Following the RMB exchange rate against the U.S. dollar yesterday, onshore, offshore CNY are the spot exchange rate against the dollar down. Among them, in shore and offshore CNY to us dollar exchange rate fell below the 6.74,6.75. were a foreign exchange trader analysis said: "judging from the recent market performance, the RMB against the U.S. dollar will not keep on A certain psychological barrier. It continued to deliver the signal to the market: the central bank can tolerate the RMB exchange rate against the dollar in a wider band wide two-way fluctuations. "And" basket "currency trend of linkage in the formation mechanism of RMB exchange rate in August last year after the reform, the RMB exchange rate against the dollar in the middle price start on a basket of currencies. So the short-term trend, the trend of changes in the RMB exchange rate against the dollar, largely follow the other major currencies in the basket of the dollar and linkage. As the foreign exchange traders said yesterday, down on the middle price of the RMB exchange rate against the dollar, to a certain extent, is to go the strong response to the dollar index last weekend. Another example is the National Day holiday, the first trading day after the end of the RMB exchange rate against the U.S. dollar in 6 years for the first time below 6.7. market analysis. For, this is mainly with the dollar in the national holiday of the yen, pound, euro, major currencies stronger. Among them, the British retreat Europe events continue to simmer, pound against the dollar once appeared "flash crash" market, which attracts the attention of the market. Morgan Stanley Huaxin securities Chinese economist Zhang Jun believes that in the Fed is expected to raise interest rates at the end of the background, including the CNY devaluation of emerging market currencies are facing pressure, but at the end of the three quarter economic Chinese have signs of stabilization and recovery, the yuan in the SDR basket (SDR), the negative impact will hedge the Fed rate hike brings. Display model of Stanley Huaxin securities Morgan, in Chinese 2016 annual GDP growth rate may be 6.5% to 6.7% in anticipation, the domestic economic fundamentals is relatively stable, is expected to end the yuan to the dollar exchange rate will not exceed 6.8.