As a warning for the future! Chinese fish processing will be tomorrow?


Since the first industrial revolution, the mechanization of production with high efficiency, high yield gradually replaced the human factory to become the main force of industrial production, and then spread to all walks of life. With the progress of the times, let the intelligent industrial production once again into the new step. Then to now, artificial intelligence has become the leading people to explore new areas of discovery. It is very likely to bring new changes. The whole society for aquatic product processing, with high-tech support, also can realize the intelligent production. The precise division of labor, optimize production line, coordination, efficient. Aquatic processing can also be efficient to from a small workshop style production, batch production. Labor cost is greatly reduced, efficiency the amount of the leap. But in China, aquatic products processing industry as a whole seems to be still in the initial stage, equipment, backward technology, low efficiency, need to invest a lot of manpower cost. But in recent years, along with the China Labor costs are rising, the processing enterprises rely on cheap labor to change the output encountered great challenges, business or even on the verge of bankruptcy. China said of an aged person, will usher in the aquatic product processing industry change? In industrial machinery intelligent environment, intelligent machine line seems to be the right choice, may also be China aquatic processing industry the last straw. With the rise of labor costs, the aquatic product processing industry gradually shift. On the one hand is to gather, cheap labor in areas such as Southeast Asia; on the other hand is to aquatic products output gathered nearby processing, saving the cost. It can be said that the China aquatic products processing industry reshuffle is at a crossroads, can take the opportunity to re energized the integration of industry, and accelerate the survival of the fittest, to high-end processing is our overall aquatic people urgently want to know the answer. With the people's consumption level The future may improve, aquatic products import growth step by step. We are positioning himself as the consumer, give up the transfer of processing industry, or both, so that industrial upgrading, it is worth thinking about the problem. If you want to replace the old model, selection of mechanized production will involve high investment. It is necessary to control the risk, but also improve the benefit, can be said that opportunities and challenges coexist. The optimization of resource utilization, promote the overall production efficiency, you may need to work together. I have won will be eliminated, how to choose, you may need to carefully consider.