The 2017 moratorium system adjustment, achieve the history of the most stringent


Chinese aquatic channel reported that from the beginning of this year, China's marine fishing system adjustment, fishing type unified and expanded, its duration is prolonged. At the history of the most stringent moratorium system. In the future, all in the start time for fishing unified 12 May 1st each year, all kinds of operation mode of its duration was prolonged, at least three month fishing.


The fishing moratorium will be boosted in January 23rd morning to fishery, I came to the famous JIANGSU city of NANTONG province Rudong small fishing port, the old fisherman Xue Chuntian told the author, the two day national Ministry of agriculture extension in the Yellow Sea heard the moratorium, although he felt income may be reduced, but still very important, because no protection of fishery resources, the fisherman was only getting worse. Xue villager said: "a few months, it will certainly have to pay less, 8000 yuan, we have a certain influence. If not ahead of fishing, fish production down all killed, dead have no money to extend the moratorium. The means to consider to find work in the land to make a living to live on the sea fishermen. Fishermen Yu Haibin told reporters in Rudong, the local fishermen, they place odd jobs outside the cold storage and aquaculture market, how to The relationship between some of their roots. In the seaside said: "not just to find a job, to sail when looking for you to go to other places. It is also hard, playing the day laborers, into the refrigerator, pay 5000 yuan, a month due to a different fishermen." to extend the moratorium, the different views, but the new national protection of marine fishery resources or support on the whole. Then a year less catch a fish, will not lead to the fishing moratorium seafood prices soaring? NANTONG Agricultural Products Logistics Co. Ltd. manager fish trading Cao Yiping clear that this will not happen, at least is reduced. The category of Cao Yiping said: "I think during the fishing moratorium, seafood prices will not rise, first hand the current storage conditions better, before the moratorium will To store large amounts of seafood. Second, seafood aquaculture technology more and more mature, some farmed seafood can be a lot of the market. The third aspect is the seafood less, people can also choose freshwater fish. "In addition, Cao Yiping also analyzed that, to extend the moratorium will not only reduce the fishermen's income in the long term, to the declining of this industry a boost, by eliminating illegal benign shuffle, fishing boats and fishery resources through the low-end, and to improve the legal income of large tonnage vessels. Cao Yiping said:" the fishing period, can let the fishermen to fish, the price is different, 3 two promfret bream normal wholesale in 30 to 45 yuan, if more than half a catty 8 to two, this is big, 80 to 90 yuan a catty, so the fishermen's income will not decrease. "Rongcheng Haiyu Fishery Limited company manager Lv Binglong engaged in fishery production for 20 years, last year, each of his fishing boats reached more than and 600 tons, for the upcoming extended one month moratorium, Lv Binglong agree: "the fishing moratorium is of great benefit to the sustainable development of fishery resources in the future, the protection of fish, the quality and specifications will become large, previously in order to win, now is to win with quality, benefit should be of great help, the original half a catty of fish, now fishing period long, can reach a pound, it can increase the efficiency of times, the price should be doubled." in the face of prolonged moratorium, Lv Binglong decided to increase his crew safety training. In his opinion, the safety of the crew is more important than the number of fish.20 years ago he went to sea, to catch the most fish catching fish is economic, but also to the sea. Now, the offshore fishery depletion, every fishing can only catch some Called "feed fish" fish. Lv Binglong said: "now the fight to feed the fish, didn't play, hit it away, now to feed fish, resources are very scarce." for the future of fishing, Lv Binglong believes that the future with the decrease of fish quantity, improve the quality, the price of fish certainly will increase. As long as the right policies, benefits will not have influence on the fishermen's benefits only, no harm. In the long run, it is necessary to the moratorium, one is able to protect resources, do not eat rice, two is to extend economic fish fishing, has greatly improved the quality and specifications, prices can catch doubled or even two times. The future may not be able to play so many fish, but the quality must be improved, the price of fish must be improved. SHANDONG city in Qingdao province is the main producing areas of seafood, fishing period, working here How to reflect? As Yin Baochang engaged in marine pasture farming to extend the moratorium points like: marine ranching is a marine resources ecological restoration function, more conducive to the improvement of fish and sea ecological structure, fishing time is longer, the sea resources more abundant, more favorable to our marine ranching. "Yin Baochang believes that marine ranching is the future direction of development of marine fisheries. Because of the natural resources, if not fishing, will use a variety of nets, fish, shrimp, shellfish, crabs class clean sweep, built after the ranch, there will be planning to catch these products, not up to a certain size don't touch it, accidentally salvaged small, set it down, in thousands of acres of marine ranching circles it is a healthy ecosystem, others can not come in, we are planning to go fishing It. So, if the moratorium period longer, marine ranch to build more, so better to protect marine resources, marine ecological resources more favorable. Aquatic products prices are likely to face slight fluctuations in the Ministry of Agriculture said at the same time, this year, will implement the total management of marine fishery resources, domestic marine fishing implement negative growth policy by 2020, the domestic total marine fishing yield reduced to less than 10 million tons, compared with 2015 a decrease of 3 million 90 thousand tons. Before and after the Spring Festival, is the time around the aquatic market market good, the market will react to such a policy? I walked into the Anhui province is located in the Ma'anshan city huarunsuguo rain Road, in the supermarket the fresh area, many people are buying fish, octopus, squid and other fresh seafood. The district manager Lu Xiaofei told reporters that they are mostly seafood purchased from Nanjing The big market, at present, the purchase price has not been affected by the delay of the moratorium. Lu Xiaofei said: "at present, our supermarket in the sale of chilled seafood like some large yellow croaker is 23.8 yuan a catty, fish is 22.8 yuan a catty, including squid is currently 15.8 yuan a pound. The current price stability not too big floating despite the current price fluctuations." no, but that does not mean to have been stable. Lu Xiaofei said, on the one hand there is no new fishing seafood inventory, inventory on the other side is decreasing, seafood prices is only a matter of time. Lu Xiaofei said: "the sea area to extend the moratorium on our impact is definitely yes, but the specific impact, we are not good. At the end of the supply is expected to supply for how much, how much inventory, we in the end is not a good predictor, because stock market price determined." located in the hinterland of Jiangsu The Huaian, fresh seafood is rare, it is frozen seafood. Seafood in Huaian engaged in the wholesale business of Mr. Yang said: "the fishing moratorium extension may lead to price rise. Our inland seafood seafood products and other aquatic products are not the same, it is hard for a long period to raise, so we the store is not much normal stocking, the price will be further improved. If the fishing moratorium is a long time. Our business will be more and more difficult to do." in the Spring Festival approaching, Yantai seafood prices rise significantly. Yantai dividend market monitoring shows that the crab, mackerel, wild turbot, climb shrimp, octopus, big yellow croaker and other seafood prices are rising, the average price of 95 yuan, 17 yuan, 50 yuan, 55 yuan, 18 yuan, 22 yuan, or were 26.6%, 13.3%, 11.1%, 10%, 5.8%, 4.7%. vendors to build said that the seafood Product prices are mainly affected by the Spring Festival. The main reason is the Chinese new year now seafood prices, many units, people focus on the purchase, the seafood market demand increases, the price of a day, are rising in price. As for the fishing period, the current situation has not affected the price, this will have to wait until after spring. Vendors Zhao Liang told the author that they have their own fishing boats, fishing moratorium extension is good for them. In recent years the seafood was more and more small, can often catch wild large yellow croaker, it can occasionally catch again. The ship is a year go far, offshore fishing moratorium nothing. Long some can raise some of the fish, these two months, the fish grow fast. Seafood head directly determines the price, such as a 3 and a 8 Pomfret , the price difference of more than one times, the bigger the better. Yantai seafood market red The market office director Meng Hua told the author, in the short term, to extend the moratorium on the part of net, fence, shrimp etc. operations and production will have a certain impact, will increase some cost. But in the long term is favorable. Meng Hua said: "every year on May and June is a lot of fish reproduction and growth period, Yantai the surrounding fishing boats are basically trawl, the size of the take all, the damage is great, now this policy can make juveniles have more time to grow, after the sea fishermen can catch more fish better. Let's now more and more mature technology of aquaculture, fishing during a large number of aquatic products supply market, coupled with the frozen seafood, people eat seafood will not suffer too much influence, the price will not be too big floating"