Sea cucumber prices steady rise, this spring sea cucumber Market bullish!



 Since the 16 years since the hot and rainy summer, SHANDONG sea cucumber aquaculture area suffered huge losses. In some areas of SHANDONG region and Dalian fresh sea cucumber is a huge fault, at least 1-2 years to restore the supply. Affected by this, in the fall of 16 acquisition of FUJIAN sea cucumber picking seedling price compared to the same period 15 years rose more than 20%, many farmers in FUJIAN did not even from picking up seedlings, the sea cucumber picking seedling acquisition work until December. During the same period, SHANDONG ginseng market finished a serious shortage, on the salt sea cucumber prices, FUJIAN store large cylinder salt sold out, a lot of FUJIAN sea cucumber farmers to restore the spring sea cucumber prices adverse loss. Also under the high temperature and rainy northern influence pull to the FUJIAN area of the sea cucumber seedling quality is not as good as before, from 16 years to 17 years of winter spring cucumber, slow growth, doubling the rate of poor intestinal skin problems spit.17 in February, there have been Part of the FUJIAN sea cucumber farmers began to sell the FUJIAN sea cucumbers, sea cucumber prices have stabilized at more than 52. The HEBEI area due to the annual ice time earlier, many buyers at the time of sea cucumber, HEBEI sea cucumber products into the market in HEBEI, the price from the beginning of the 80 hit skin has risen to 85 dozen skins, but because of FUJIAN the acquisition of a large number of customers in the 16 years of HEBEI autumn picking seedling, HEBEI has large size inventory is low. The sea cucumber sea cucumber Market fault, large goods shortage, this situation requires one to two years to ease, with the gradual understanding of Chinese of sea cucumber health, sea cucumber sales expand year by year. Therefore, in the future fresh sea cucumber product prices will be very difficult to less than 50 (LIAONING area) on appeal to the majority of buyers friends, don't take tow package, improve the rate of sea cucumber skin on behavior, only the interests of farmers To be protected, your interests will last long.